History Of The Kendal Lads & Girls Club
1965 - the club house was built at Beezon Fields in the centre of Kendal, thanks to funding from Provincial Insurance and K Shoes both of whom were successful businesses within the town. In 1990 the Centre was refurbished by local craftsmen many of whom had been members of the club; they gave their time as they wanted to secure future of the youth Centre.
2007 – 2010 A five phase plan was put together for the development of the Kendal Lads & Girls Club, this included building an extension for office and training room, dealing with woodworm and the development of a range of spaces to divide the building into dual use areas. The refurbishment of the toilets and outdoor space. In total £250,407 was raised for this project. The hiring out of the different areas would make the club's running costs sustainable in the future.
2013 - The new skate park opened at a cost of £70,000 and after a very long period of planning and fund raising, the young people designed the course and interviewed the prospective manufacturers.
2014 – The refurbishment this time to included replacement of the gym ceiling, heating and storage rooms, a total of £26,000 was raised.
2015 – The 50th Anniversary of the new building at Beezon Fields. This year’s challenge was to raise the funding (around £15,000) for new boiler and to upgrade the heating system. And (around £9,000) to replace part of the flat roof which has become waterlogged and leaking.
2016 - In December 2015 the River Kent burst its banks and flooded the youth centre which due to great support from the insurance company, funders and the communty managed to be fully open again by June of this year.
2017 - The challenge for this year was to raise a futher £18,000 to replace the rest of the flat roofs, in total £22,000 was raisied, the remainder of which will be used to upgrate the lighting fixtures to LED.
2019 - We now have 4 bike parking stands as part of a grant from SLDC and the whole building has now been fitted out with LED lights and fittings with the sports hall being the last phase. The electricity bills have gone down from £93.00 a month to £58.00 well worth doing.